[originaltext]W: When you write a novel, do you know where you’re going, Dr. Ja

游客2024-03-10  6

W: When you write a novel, do you know where you’re going, Dr. James?
M: Yes, you must, really, if you’re writing the classical detective story, because it must be so carefully plotted and so carefully clued. I have schemes. I have charts. I have diagrams. It doesn’t mean to say I always get it right, but I do plan before I begin writing. But what is so fascinating is how a book changes during the process of writing. It seems to me that creative writing is a process of revelation, really, rather than of creativity in the ordinary sense.
W: When you’re planning the basic structure, do you like to go away to be sure that you’re by yourself?
M: I need to be by myself certainly, absolutely. I can’t even bare anybody else in the house. I don’t mind much where I am as long as I’ve got enough space to write, but I need to be completely alone.
W: Is that very important to you?
M: Oh, yes. I’ve never been lonely in all my life.
W: How extraordinary! Never?
M: No, never.
W: You’re very lucky. Someone once said that there’s a bit of ice at the heart of every writer.
M: Yes. I think this is true. The writer can stand aside from experience and look at it, watch it happening. There is this ’detachment’ and I realize that there are obviously experiences which would overwhelm everyone. But very often, a writer can appear to stand aside, and this detachment makes people feel there’s a bit of ice in the heart.
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
1. What is the key to writing a good classical detective story, according to the man?
2. What is the fascinating part of writing according to the man?
3. What does the man mainly need when working on a book?
4. What does the man say about writers?

选项 A、When the hero appears.
B、When the story ends.
C、How a book changes.
D、How a book begins.

答案 C

解析 题目问的是,男士认为写作过程中最精彩的部分是什么。对话中男士说,最精彩的部分是书的内容发生变化的时候。故选C)。