[originaltext]Giving a good presentation is all about the simple things-knowled
[originaltext]Giving a good presentation is all about the simple things-knowled
Giving a good presentation is all about the simple things-knowledge, confidence, and communication. If you master these three things, then you will rock every single presentation you deliver! Listed here are tips on giving a good presentation. First, knowledge. To deliver a good presentation, you need to know your material and your presentation inside out! Work on obtaining as much information on the subject as you can, understand it, and make sure that you can formulate it in your own words. A good presentation is all about being able to talk as if you are well versed on the subject, even if you acquired the knowledge a week before. If you can explain the ideas you want to present and reach through to your audience, you are covered! Second, confidence. This is one thing that matters as equally as your preparation of the presentation. If you cannot speak in front of an audience, cannot address a gathering, you are doomed! Work on your confidence, try to speak spontaneously in front of the mirror, and engage in interesting debates with your friends often. This will give you the ability to process and phrase your ideas quickly, in turn, giving you the confidence necessary for any presentation. Third, communication. How you present is as important as what you present. The tone of your voice, the aids you use, the gestures you make, the stance you assume, the phrases you use to address the audience, everything changes the presentation you deliver. If you leave your hair open, and smile while explaining the notions, you would come off as a friendly presenter; if you really feel and mean what you are saying, you would come across as someone who really cares. If you say it with projection, people will know that you mean business. For giving a good presentation, you need to analyze who your audience is and what kind of speaker you want to be. Keeping that in mind, you will have to change your style based on the purpose of the presentation. You have to exude confidence and knowledge, and you need to be able to own the podium, or the seminar room, or wherever it is that you are delivering the presentation. All the best!
16. What should we do to deliver a good presentation?
17. What will give us the ability to process and phrase our ideas quickly?
18. How could we come off as a friendly presenter?
19. What should we analyze for giving a good presentation?
A、Walking around the audience.
B、Smiling while explaining the notions.
C、Telling some jokes during the speech.
D、Sharing some personal privacy.
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