[originaltext] French far-right leader Marine Le Pen has called for an end t

游客2024-03-08  17

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen has called for an end to free education for the children of illegal immigrants.
    In a speech in Paris, the National Front’s candidate in the 2017 presidential race next spring said she had nothing against foreigners.
    "But I tell them: if you come to our country, don’t expect to be taken care of, to be looked after, that your children will be educated without charge," she said. " No more playtime," she added.
    Ms. Le Pen is widely expected to be one of two candidates to reach the second and final round of the election in May. Latest opinion polls suggest she is running neck-and-neck in polling for the first round with the centre-right candidate Francois Fillon. However, around two-thirds of voters would choose Mr. Fillon over Ms. Le Pen in the deciding round.
    Cutting immigration has long been a bedrock policy of the FN, and Ms. Le Pen has campaigned hard to cut legal immigration dramatically to 10,000 people a year and to halt the right to family reunions.
    Education has also been a central theme for the far-right leader. In 2014, she spoke out against providing substitute meals for pork dinners in schools for Muslims and Jews. However, under French law dating back to 1881, free primary education is a basic right for all children. The right to education is also a fundamental tenet of the European Convention on Human Rights.
    Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.
    9.What is Marine Le Pen’s policy on illegal immigrants?
    10. What is one of the basic policies of the FN?
    11.What has been a central theme for Ms. Le Pen?

选项 A、Education.
C、Human rights.

答案 A

解析 短文中提到,教育一直是这位极右翼领导入的中心议题。根据上下文可知,“这位极右翼领导入”指的就是Ms. Le Pen,因此答案为A)。