[originaltext]W: Mr. Stern, may I ask you? Do you think it was necessary and fa

游客2024-03-08  12

W: Mr. Stern, may I ask you? Do you think it was necessary and fair to arrest Steve Bril?
M: I don’t know whether you realize that this man has been eating up our park for five years. And he is encouraging other people to do the same thing every single day. [5] He’s been organizing groups to destroy our urban wildlife.
W: But Mr. Stern, this situation has been going on happily for five years. Why do you suddenly decide to do something about it?
M: [6] Well, at first we. just thought he was an eccentric person, a bit odd, you know. But over the years we came to realize that he is a dangerous guy. He’s been raining our city environment. Parks are to look at, not to eat. It’s just as if you’re going to allow people to walk through a zoo, and eat the baby bears.
W: [7] But surely you or your park keepers, Mr. Stern, could have discouraged Mr. Bril from his activity without going such drastic measures, without arresting him.
M: Steve is a nice fellow, but what he is doing is illegal. He knows an awful lot about wild weeds. [8] We’ll be very happy to let him organize tours if he. just wouldn’t eat the plants and wouldn’t encourage other people to do so, too. You never know what this could lead to, all sorts of people ruining our park in all sorts of ways. This kind of thing is very definitely criminal behavior and must be stopped.
5. What does the man say Steve Bril has been doing?
6. Why was Steve Bril not arrested years ago?
7. What does the woman think of the action taken against Steve Bril?
8. What finally led to Steve Bril’s arrest?

选项 A、He had bribed the park keepers to keep quiet.
B、People had differing opinions about his behaviour.
C、The serious consequences of his doings were not fully realised.
D、His behaviour was thought to have resulted from mental illness.

答案 C

解析 女士接着问Steve Bril的那些恶行持续了5年,怎么突然决定要对他进行处理。男士回答,刚开始他们只是认为Steve Bril古怪而已,但经过这么多年才发现他其实很危险。由此可见,多年没逮捕Steve Brfl的原因是没清醒地意识到Steve Bril的危险性,所以选C项。A项“他贿赂门卫封口”、B项“人们对于他的行为看法不一”都没有录音依据,故排除。男士说他们刚开始只是认为他古怪而已,D项的“精神疾病”过度夸大了Steve Bril精神状态的恶劣程度,不能选。