Antarctica’s vast, frozen, barren landscape has beckoned scholars and【C1】___

游客2024-03-07  4

问题     Antarctica’s vast, frozen, barren landscape has beckoned scholars and【C1】________alike for more than a century. Indeed, the history of【C2】________on the continent is as much about hunger as heroism, as Jason Anthony explores in his book. "Hunger," Anthony writes, "was the one spice every expedition carried."
    Think those aboard that Russian research vessel and Chinese icebreaker that just spent several days stuck in the Antarctic ice had it rough? The【C3】________pales compared to the legend of what British explorer Ernest Shackleton went through.
    In 1914, on his way to try to cross the continent (he never made it), Shackleton’s ship, the Endurance, got trapped by ice—then crushed—in the Weddell Sea. So there he was, 1,000 miles from the【C4】________humans, with no way to call for help,【C5】________on the ice with his 28-man crew for about a year. It was nearly another year before all were rescued.
    Frank Hurley, the expedition’s photo grapher, wrote of men "crazed by their privations (困苦)." Their【C6】________and sleeping hours filled with dreams of food—【C7】________dumplings and other carbohydrates. In the meantime, they【C1】________on tinned goods they’d brought with them and plenty of hoosh— "the bleak Antarctic soup," as Anthony calls it, "of meat and snow".
    The meat in question was often seal or penguin—thousands of the animals gave their lives to feed the ambitions of those early continental explorers. And not all were gorged and【C8】________without qualms (良心谴责). Carl Skottsberg, a botanist on an early 1900s Swedish expedition that【C10】________ransacked (洗劫) the newly laid eggs of Adelie penguins, seemed to be warding off critics when he wrote: "How many of my readers know what it means to lie in cold, and darkness, and hunger, week after week?"
    A)adventurers   E)exploration   I) ordeal       M) survived
    B) civilized    F) hungrily     J) poverty      N) virtually
    C) dying        G) murdered     K) slaughtered  O) waking
    D) especially   H) nearest      L) stranded [br] 【C4】


答案 H

解析 形容词辨义题。根据空格后的名词humans以及空格前的定冠词the可判断此处应填一个形容词。而空格前的1,000 miles from表示距离,备选的形容词中只有nearest与距离有关,且符合语境,故选H。