By using the national road system, one can drive to all states of America withou

游客2024-03-05  9

问题 By using the national road system, one can drive to all states of America without stopping. [br] Eisenhower once believed that a national highway system would ensure military success in national defense.

选项 A、Y

答案 C

解析 本题定位词为Eisenhower once believed,因此需锁定文章第十八段。由十八段首句Dwight Eisenhower believed the United States needed a highway that would aid in the defense of the country可知,艾森豪威尔相信高速路有助于国家的军事防御。题干中的national defense对应文中的the defense of the country,但其中的动词ensure success in指“确保…的成功”,该句话属文中没有提到的内容,故答案为NG。