No matter how large or notable(著名的) the U.S. travel industry is or may becom

游客2024-03-05  5

问题     No matter how large or notable(著名的) the U.S. travel industry is or may become, it will always be members of a broader world society. The charge facing all of us is to appropriately engage poverty. Poverty is certainly not new but the means at our disposal to address poverty are improving by the day. Fortunately, the $3.3 trillion world travel industry is uniquely suited to address poverty in regions where it is most entrenched. In the course of making a case for harnessing travel and tourism for poverty reduction, the travel and tourism industry already exists in every region of the globe and is a proven job producer and sustainer of native culture.
    That travel and tourism creates good jobs is indisputable. In the U.S., the industrial Age economy is in transition(过渡) to a service economy, and travel and tourism is responsible for one in every seven workers in the U.S. civilian workforce, directly or indirectly. But by no means is this phenomenon limited to the U.S. The World Travel and Tourism Council reports tourism employs almost 200 million people worldwide—1 in every 13 jobs worldwide today.
    There are many important differences between building an industrial based economy and one that relies largely on tourism. One of the historical barriers to industrialization has been a shortage of capital to build an industrial infrastructure or a lack of industrial-specific facilities such as deep-water ports. But we don’t need to build factories for tourism. Nor do we need the traditional resources of the Industrial Age to build new tourism economies. The essential raw materials for our industry include rich cultures, unique natural environments and willing hosts. And those raw materials exist already in abundance(丰富) in every nation.
    Only travel brings us face to face with. people from different cities, different nations, and different outlooks. CNN can take us on a virtual world tour. We can be touched by images we see in the media but it is only when we shake hands with people from other nations and other cultures that we learn how things really are. And despite the many wonders of technology, we only truly touch one another when we travel and embrace one another’s culture, stature, and dreams.

选项 A、has improved its revenue
B、is financially healthier than ever
C、is going to give money to aid Poverty.
D、is better able to help reduce poverty than ever

答案 D

解析 事实细节题。原文第一段说Poverty is certainly not new but the means at our disposal to address poverty are improving by the day...the $3.3 trillion world travel industry is uniquely suited to address poverty...,因此可知D项是正确的。其他三项原文都未提及。