Standby power is consumption of energy by electrical appliances even when they a

游客2024-03-04  4

问题 Standby power is consumption of energy by electrical appliances even when they are plugged off. [br] When we don’t use a lamp, we’d better plug it off to save energy.

选项 A、Y

答案 B

解析 由题干中a lamp 定位到第一个小标题下第四段第一句Generally speaking,it’s a good idea from an energy-efficiency standpoint to unplug anything electronic that you’re not using at that moment. 和第二句 Lamps and toasters aren’t electronic and don’t draw standby power when they’re switched off.[精析] 转折处设题。本题考查如何使用台灯节电。根据该句可知,一般情况下为了节电,人们会在不使用电器时将其插头拔掉。但第二句又指出,对于台灯等没有准备状态下耗能的电器,却只需将其关闭即可,而不必将插头拔掉。可知题干的说法与原文相悖。