Swiss Re Tower is a typical example of green architecture in London, and what is

游客2024-03-03  6

问题 Swiss Re Tower is a typical example of green architecture in London, and what is most remarkable about this building is its energy-efficiency. Thanks to its artful design and some fancy technology, it is expected to consume up to 50% less energy than a comparable conventional office building. Green architecture is changing the way building are designed, built and run.
Green architecture, a term which only came into use in the 1990s, has its origins in the energy crisis of the 1970s, when architects began to question the wisdom of building enclosed glass-and-steel boxes that required massive heating and cooling systems.
The forward-looking architects began to explore designs that focused on the long-term environmental impact of maintaining and operating a building. This approach has since been formalized in a number of assessment and rating systems, such as the BREEAM standard introduced in Britain in 1990, and the LEED standard developed by the United States Green Building Council starting in 2000.
Going green saves money by reducing long-term energy costs; a survey of 99 green buildings in America found that on average, they use 30% less energy than comparably conventional buildings.
Green buildings can also have other benefits. The use of natural daylight in office buildings, for example, as well as reducing energy costs, also seems to make workers more productive. Lockheed Martin, an aerospace(航空宇宙) firm, found that absenteeism(旷工) fell by 15% after it moved 2500 employees into a new green building in Sunnyvale, California.


答案 nearly 50%

解析 根据题干中的Swiss Re Tower可以定位到第一段第二句:Thanks to its artful design and some fancy technology, it is expected to consume up to 50% less energy than a comparable conventional office building.[精析] 题目问的是得益于其精良的设计、先进的技术,Swiss Re Tower比传统办公大楼能节省多少能源。该句意为“由于其设计精良,技术先进,Swiss Re Tower有望比传统建筑节能近50%”。题干中的owing to与原文中的thanks to同义, traditional与conventional同义。by在此句中为介词,表程度相差多少的意思,后面应接数字。故答案为nearly 50%。