Policies catering to a low tuition in top universities may turn out to bring neg

游客2024-03-03  5

问题 Policies catering to a low tuition in top universities may turn out to bring negative effect, [br] Traditionally, the best choice for a bright student from a moderate income family is to attend a first-class public school.

选项 A、Y

答案 A

解析 由题干中first-class public school可定位到第七段第二句...flagship public schools, which traditionally educate some of the brightest kids, although they are not necessarily the richest.[精析] 复杂句处设题。本题考查家境并不富裕的优等生的传统选择。题干中first-claas与原句flagship为同义词转换。根据原句可知,家境并不富裕的优等生传统上会选择上一流的公立大学。由此可见,题干的说法与原文相符。