According to the first paragraph, the author seems to think that [br] From the "

游客2024-03-03  7

问题 According to the first paragraph, the author seems to think that [br] From the "fairy goddess" and "romantic heroes" mentioned in the last paragraph we can infer that

选项 A、co-education makes students more creative and imaginative about each other
B、segregated education often results in illusions about different sex
C、fairy tales and hero stories have become an essential part in segregation schools
D、American students in general have their own ideal images of the opposite sex

答案 B

解析 由题干中的“Fairy goddess”and“romantic heroes”可以定位到原文末段第二、三句Boys don’t grow up believing that women are mysterious creatures,fairy goddesses...Girls don’t grow up imagining that men are romantic heroes.[精析] 原文末段说“男孩长大以后不会认为女性是神秘的动物,是神话中的仙女,更不像是童话故事里描述的样子,而是人。女孩长大以后也不会认为男人是浪漫的英雄人物”。下文紧接着说出原因是“在学校多年的共同生活驱散了这种幻觉”。由此可以反过来推测隔离教育则会造成那样的幻觉。故B)“隔离教育经常导致对异性的幻觉”是对原文的合理推测,为正确答案。[排除干扰] A)所指并非co-education(混合教育)出现的现象,与题干不符;C)属于主观推理,在原文里不能找到相关依据,也非作者真实意图,故排除;D)“大部分美国学生拥有自己的异性偶像”在原文中没有提及,故排除。