By the standards of women’s lib, the pre-war German housewife was oppressed

游客2024-03-01  5

问题     By the standards of women’s lib, the pre-war German housewife was oppressed indeed. There need be no struggle between the sexes so long as each sex fulfills those tasks nature has established for it to do. The German house-wife kept to her three K’s—Kinder, Kuche, Kirche (children, kitchen, church).
    After the war the women of the German Democratic Republic were drawn into helping rebuild their nation with the promises of equal pay for equal work and good day-care centers for their children. As a result of the government’s campaign over 80 percent of eligible (有条件的 ) women hold jobs. One-third of East Germany’s doctors and judges, 11 percent of its mayors and one-third of its college graduates are women.
    But there are clouds in the heaven of liberation. The liberated woman is more than a little enthusiastic about the way she is liberating herself from her husband. East Germans have the eighth-highest divorce rate in the world. The reason for divorce is probably more often the competition between husband and wife than it is adultery (私通). The dominant role of man in marriage will end when his economic superiority ends. Men are more willing to joke about helping their wives than to help them in the kitchen. They still cling to the idea that housework and bringing up children are women’s work. As one young East German housewife puts it, "equality means my husband and I have equal rights. Equal rights means that we both work at full-time jobs. Then I clean the house and take care of the children while he sits in front of the television set and drinks beer in the evening." [br] As a result of the policy ______.

选项 A、two thirds of mayors are now college graduates
B、over 20% of eligible East German women still have no jobs
C、two thirds of East German women go out to work
D、two thirds of East German doctors, judges are men

答案 C

解析 依据文章第二段的几个数字可得出“2/3的东德妇女走出家门参加工作”。尤其是“…over 80 percent of eligible women hold jobs.”一句更能说明问题。四个选项中,最具干扰性的是B项,但只要在阅读中没有忽略over和eligible两词,同样可以轻松作答。