For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Advantages

游客2024-02-28  4

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Advantages of Five-day Week. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
    1. 对家庭的好处;
    2. 对社会的好处;
    3. 对个人的好处。


答案                      Advantages of Five-day Week
    A five-day week has been put into practice in China, which is welcomed by everyone. It is obvious that a five-day week has brought about many advantages to the society and people. First, families have benefited from it very much. They have more time to spend together or go for an outing during the weekend. Children are able to learn useful skills, and women have enough time to take care of the house, go shopping or relax.
    Second, society has also benefited from it. As people have two days off, they would like to go shopping or traveling, which can promote the commerce and tourism. Then the shops and travel agency will have more customers.
    Third, individuals have also enjoyed the benefit from the five-day week, because they have more time for whatever they are interested in during the weekend. For example, one, who likes stamp collection, will trove enough time to enjoy it. What’s more, individuals can make full use of a weekend for a good rest. Adequate rest will enable them to work more efficiently. In a word, a five-day work is beneficial to the society, families and individuals.
