[originaltext]W:Have you decided when you are going to take your vacation?M:No

游客2024-02-28  10

W:Have you decided when you are going to take your vacation?
M:No,I haven’t.I might take it in April,but then again.I might wait until December.I’m not at all sure yet.
Q:When will the man take his vacation?
M:Let me see.I have printed my family name,first mane,date of birth,and address.Anything else?
W:No.That’s all right.We’ll fill in the rest of if you just sign your name at the bottom.
Q: What has the man been doing?

选项 A、Talking with his friend
B、Fining out a form
C、Having an interview
D、Asking for information

答案 B

解析 本题提到男士在底部签名后,其余项由女士一方填写,从而可知在填表。