[originaltext] Everywhere, water use is increasing. Humans already use 54 p

游客2024-02-26  2

Everywhere, water use is increasing. Humans already use 54 percent of all the fresh water in rivers, lakes and underground. There are some estimates that this rate will reach 70 percent by 2050. The United Nations is organizing a series of events to increase concern about water issues. U. N. officials have declared 2003 the International Year of Fresh Water(26). A goal of the campaign is to build support for policies to use water more wisely. Another goal is to get more people to use water in ways that will not hurt the environment.
    The world population is more than 6,000 million people. More than 1,000 million lack safe drinking water. More than 2,000 million suffer from diseases linked to dirty water. And, more than 2,000 million live without waste-treatment systems(27). Water was one of the issues discussed at the U. N. Summit of 2000. Leaders said they would work to cut the number of people without safe drinking water in half by 2015 (28). Officials renewed that goal at the Summit on Sustainable Development, in Johannesburg, South Africa. They also promised to cut in half the number of people without safe systems to treat waste by 2015. Soon, the World Water Forum will meet in Kyoto, Japan. Officials plan to release the first U. N. report on world water development. This report will examine the world’s water problems. And it will offer suggestions on ways to meet future water demands.  Experts say international reaction to the U. N. report will be an important test of the political desire to solve the water crisis.

选项 A、Because the UN didn’t want the problems influence peoples’ daily life.
B、Because the UN wanted to attract people’s attention to the water problems.
C、Because the UN wanted to reduce the consumption of water.
D、Because the UN estimated that the population will increase soon.

答案 B

解析 从题目所给选项核心名词water,water problems可以看出,该题可能考查与水有关的问题,结合四个选项中都有because一词,故极有可能是考查原因。可以从“The United Nations is organizing a series of events to increase concern about water issues. U.N. officials have declared 2003 the International Year of Fresh Water(联合国正在组织一系列活动加强人们对水问题的关注,其官员已经将宣布2003年为国际洁净水年)”得知,由于水问题越来越突出,联合国组织一系列活动加强人们对该问题的认识,故可推测出正确答案。