[originaltext]W: Isn’t it delightful here? We’ve been looking for a place just

游客2024-02-24  7

W: Isn’t it delightful here? We’ve been looking for a place just like this all summer.
M: Right, we couldn’t have found a better place for a picnic.
Q: What does the man mean?
W:You are almost late.I was worried.Howls the car? What did you find out about it?
M:The mechanic said the best thing would be to sell it and get a new car.The car is totally dead,
Q:What will the man probably do with his car?

选项 A、To keep his old car and get a new one.
B、To leave it in the garage to be repaired.
C、To sell his car for a new one.
D、To get his car repaired later.

答案 C

解析 推理判断题。女士问男士查明车出了什么问题没有,男士说修理人员认为最好的办法就是卖掉它,然后买辆新车,这辆车已经完全报废了。由此不难推断出,男士可能会卖掉旧车买新车。