[originaltext]M: Hi Carol, do you have the notes from Mr. White’s history class

游客2024-02-24  5

M: Hi Carol, do you have the notes from Mr. White’s history class last Monday?
W: Yes, don’t worry, you can borrow my notes. I actually went to the class, unlike you !
Q: What does the man ask?
W: I’ m wondering if I should apply for this. What do you think?
M: Well, personally I think that’s a great idea. It sounds really interesting and the money’s good.
Q: What are they talking about?

选项 A、The woman is thinking about applying for a job.
B、They are discussing a movie.
C、They are planning a surprise party for a friend.
D、The man is applying for university.

答案 A

解析 此题考查听细节的能力,解题的关键在于了解apply for含义‘申请’,后男士回答说‘money’s good’,暗指申请到了就可以得到好的价钱,只有A项符合。