[originaltext]W: Did your pictures of the night view come out?M: Actually I ra

游客2024-02-24  7

W: Did your pictures of the night view come out?
M: Actually I ran out of film before I could even begin. I didn’ t realize I had finished the roll.
Q: Why didn’t the man have any pictures to show?
W: I’ d like to return this novel, and I’m sorry to say some pages are missing.
M: You’ ll have to see the director about it.
Q: Where does this conversation most probably happen?

选项 A、In a bookstore.
B、At a newsstand.
C、In the library.
D、In the classroom.

答案 C

解析 我们听到return the book,首先应想到图书馆,接着女士说她的书有几页弄丢了,男士则让女士去见馆长(see the director),我们可以理解为他让她自己去跟馆长解释。可见这不是一般的朋友之间的借书还书,综上所述可以判断对话发生在图书馆。