[originaltext]W:Do you mind if I borrow your notes?M:No,of course not.As long

游客2024-02-23  5

W:Do you mind if I borrow your notes?
M:No,of course not.As long as you can make out what I’ve written!
Q:What does the man mean?
W:Do you enjoy life in Manchester?
M:Yes,I do.I’m leaving for Chicago or Boston.Anyway,I’ve never regretted my earlier decision.
Q:Where does the mall live now?

选项 A、In Chicago.
B、In Boston.
C、In Washington.
D、In Manchester.

答案 D

解析 题目询问男士现在住在哪里。关键是听到女士的问话“你喜欢曼彻斯特的生活吗?”男士回答“是的。我正要起程去芝加哥或波士顿。”由此可判断选项D(In Manchester)为正确答案。