A metaphor is a poetic device that deals with comparison. It compares simila

游客2024-02-20  2

问题     A metaphor is a poetic device that deals with comparison. It compares similar qualities of two dissimilar objects. With a simple metaphor, one object becomes the other: Love is a rose. Although this does not sound like a particularly rich image, a metaphor can communicate so much about a particular image that poets use them more than any other type of figurative (比喻的) language. The reason for this is that poets compose their poetry to express what they are experiencing emotionally at that moment. Consequently, what the poet imagines love to be may or may not be our perception of love. Therefore, the poet’s job is to enable us to experience it, to feel it the same way that the poet does.
    Let’s analyze this remarkably unsophisticated metaphor concerning love and the rose to see what it offers. Because the poet uses a comparison with a rose, first we must examine the characteristics of that flower. A rose is spectacular in its beauty, its petals (花瓣) are nicely soft, and its smell is pleasing. It’s possible to say that a rose is actually a feast to the senses of sight, touch, and smell. The rose’s appearance seems to border on perfection, each petal seemingly symmetrical (匀称的) in form Isn’t this the way one’s love should be? A loved one should be a delight to one’s senses and seem perfect. However, there is another dimension added to the comparison by using a rose. Roses have thorns. The poet wants to convey the idea that roses can be tricky. So can love, the metaphor tells us. When one reaches out with absolute trust to touch the object of his or her affection, ouch, a thorn can cause great harm! "Be careful", the metaphor warns: Love is a feast to the senses, but it can overwhelm us, and it can also hurt us and cause acute suffering. This is the poet’s perception of love — an admonition (劝诫). What is the point? Just this: It took almost 14 sentences to clarify what a simple metaphor communicates in only four words! That is the artistry and the joy of the simple metaphor. [br] What is the meaning of the love-is-a-rose metaphor according to the passage?

选项 A、True love comes only once in a lifetime.
B、Love is a true joy.
C、Love is both good and bad experiences.
D、Love does not last long.

答案 C

解析 第二段倒数第五句提到,隐喻告诫我们“要小心’;爱是感官盛宴,但它可能使我们不知所措,它也可能伤到我们,带来巨大的痛苦。由此可知,这个隐喻是想传达两方面的意思:爱是一种利弊兼而有之的经历,故答案为[C]。