[originaltext]W: How was your trip to London? You’ve been to Britain before, ha

游客2024-02-20  3

W: How was your trip to London? You’ve been to Britain before, haven’t you?
M: Well, have you heard the saying that "Travel east or travel west, a man’s own house is still the best"?
Q: What does the man mean?
M: It’s so great! We’ll have seven days off! Do you have any plans?
W: Sure. I’m going with my parents to visit my grandma . They live right next to a beautiful lake.
Q: What does the woman plan to do in the holiday?

选项 A、Visit her parents.
B、Visit her grandma.
C、Visit a beautiful lake.
D、Move next to a lake.

答案 B

解析 行动计划题。男士问女士在七天的假期中有什么计划,女士说她会和父母一起去探望祖母。