[originaltext]M: Look, there is a great variety of cosmetic surgery ads.W: You

游客2024-02-19  6

M: Look, there is a great variety of cosmetic surgery ads.
W: You’re making a fuss. More and more the techniques of plastic surgery have been used to satisfy people’s vanity.
M: A lot of people now tend to change something about themselves within a few hours or a few days of surgery. Would you like to follow suit?
W: Definitely not. Everyone is different and unique. As the saying goes, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.
M: I agree. Inner beauty is a lot more important than outer beauty.
W: An individual’s personality can have as much influence on their beauty as their physical appearance.
M: Yeah, my best friend in high school was a plain looking girl but she was adorable and very appealing anyway. She was fun, smart, and even joked about her looks. Basically, she was very confident.
W: My mother is short, overweight, and in her late 50’s. She is also incredibly intelligent and liberal. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever known.
M: Then why do those people accept the notion of cosmetic surgery? It seems that our bodies have now become commodities.
W: Maybe it’s due to the influence and exploitation of the media.
M: That’s it. Media trend plays a certain role in attracting people to spend money pursuing the artificial beauty.
W: Anyway, it is a fact that external beauty will be gone sooner or later. So if people choose cosmetic surgeries, when they grow old, their faces will have wrinkles and all their money will be wasted.
M: That is true.
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
23. Why doesn’t the woman want to take cosmetic surgery?
24. What is the woman’s mother like?
25. What may attribute to people’s acceptance of the notion of cosmetic surgery?

选项 A、She does not have enough money.
B、She cares more about her inner beauty.
C、She does like to follow suit.
D、She does not believe in the cosmetic surgery.

答案 B

解析 因果关系题。浏览选项可知,选项叙述的很可能是某事的原因。男士说现在有许多人都去整容,便问女士是否会follow suit(跟随潮流)也去整容,女士给予了否定回答,并引用谚语Beautyis in the eye of the beholder(情人眼里出两施)暗示她要表达的意思,男士同意她的说法,同时指出了女士真正的意思:Inner beauty is a lot more important than outer beauty(内在美远比外在美更重要)。由此可知,女士不想整容的原因在于她更关注的是内在美,故选B。