[originaltext]W: It’s a miracle that Frank came out of the accident alive.M: Y

游客2024-02-17  12

W: It’s a miracle that Frank came out of the accident alive.
M: Yes. It’s hard to believe that there would be a survivor from the plane crash especially after such a serious explosion.
Q: What can we know about Frank from the conversation?

选项 A、He fell out of the crashed plane and survived.
B、He is the only passenger survived in the accident.
C、None of the passengers survived from the plane crash.
D、All of the passengers died of an explosion.

答案 B

解析 对话中,女士感慨Frank能从事故中生还真是个奇迹,男士表示赞同,很难相信在飞机失事并发生严重爆炸后还会有一个生还者。将女士和男士的话结合起来分析可知,飞机失事后唯一的survivor(幸存者)是Frank,故选B。