You can make healthy meals at home if you are willing to do the work involve

游客2024-02-17  2

问题     You can make healthy meals at home if you are willing to do the work involved in shopping and cooking. But preparing haute cuisine (法式高级烹饪) in your own kitchen is another story. That takes a lot more effort and skill than most of us have. And even if you once did that kind of cooking, it probably doesn’t appeal to you in your senior years.
    The answer can be as easy as contacting Susan’s Healthy Gourmet, an organization devoted to bringing delicious and healthy meals to your home. In fact, Susan’s can supply you with three meals a day and the menu is decidedly selective and interesting. No boring institutional-style meals from this company. And Susan’s can accommodate people with special dietary needs.
    The meals come in three different portion sizes -- adding up to 1,100, 1,500 or 1,800 calories (卡路里) per day fur three fresh meals. If you’re watching your weight and want to be able to count calories, this is a great plan. Having healthy meals delivered is a real godsend, even for active seniors.
    The Healthy Gourmet offerings can fit into a kosher (合于犹太戒律的) diet as well. You select the dishes you’d like to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner -- and you will get your four days of low-fat food delivered on Monday, and three more on Friday. All you’ll have to do is heat the dishes for two to three minutes in your microwave and you’ll have a nice meal.
    Meals start as low as $4.95, and the service even remembers man’s best friend with doggie bones sold by the dozen. Call toll-free at (888) EZ-MEALS, or the local number in La Join (858) 345-1256. [br] Which of the following statements is True?

选项 A、The Healthy Gourmet provides low-fat meals every day.
B、A microwave is a necessity for preparing delicious food.
C、The food’s prices start at about 5 dollars.
D、You can call to order your meals at a toll-free number.

答案 D

解析 此题问下面哪一种说法正确。从最后一句可以看出,D项是答案。A、B、C项内容与文章意思不符。