By saying "no document is safe any more", the author probably means ______. [br]

游客2024-02-16  8

问题 By saying "no document is safe any more", the author probably means ______. [br] It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ______.

选项 A、Dr. Chiu will be remembered for his special contribution
B、the tracking of all documents might result in controversies
C、American Secret Service is heavily financing Dr. Chiu’s research
D、printer manufacturers are reluctant to implement deliberate banding

答案 B

解析 由题干中的inferred from the last paragraph定位到原文末段。[精析] 综合推断题[考频:28]。原文最后一句说“但是打印机的合法用户对老大(政府)能够追踪任何文件的来源如何反应还仍未知”。其言外之意是这种做法有可能会引发争议,故B)正确。[避错] 原文只是说“并把Chiu博士的研究引向他们认为的正确的方向上去”,并没有提及A)“Chiu博士将因具特殊贡献而被记住”,排除;原文也没有提及经济赞助,排除C)“美国保密局将大力赞助Chiu博士的研究”;原文只是提及“打印机的合法用户对老大(政府)能够追踪任何文件的来源如何反应仍未知”,并没有提及印刷机制造商的反应,故排除D)“印刷机制造商不情愿实施故意的频带”。