Exceptional managers have "something special" that sets them apart from the

游客2024-02-16  21

问题     Exceptional managers have "something special" that sets them apart from the crowd. It’s not as mysterious as it sounds. Most of the time, that something special is the sheer determination to’ maintain positive habits of success. Do you want to join the ranks of highly effective managers? You can start with these seven proven career boosters.
                                1. Increase your self-discipline
    If you are like most people, you find it easy to do a good job when you are in high spirits. The real test comes when you are not feeling motivated or particularly energetic. Are these good enough reasons to snap at customers or behave like a nasty martyr at work? No!
    As a manager, like it or not, you are a role model. You set the standard when it comes to personal behavior, so make sure that standard is high. A moment of impulsiveness can tear down years of hard work when it comes to your career and reputation.
                                2. Show consistent kindness
    Good managers don’t throw their weight around or rely on intimidation to get results. Do you? Any job—especially management positions—involves the support and assistance of others. You can’t perform effectively as a one-man band. Thus, it is foolish to burn bridges and keep off co-workers.
                                3. Stretch goals
    What if the following words came out of an airplane loudspeaker: "Folks, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is we have lost our direction finder and one engine. The good news is we have a tail wind, so wherever we’re going we will get there at a rate of 600 miles an hour," The bad news certainly outweighs the good, right? So it is with your career. Without goals that are clear in your mind—goals to which you are firmly committed—your career flight plan is tragically flawed. Working at a quick pace does not amount to much if you don’t have a clear vision of the end result you are striving to achieve.
                                 4. Welcome criticism
    Criticism may sting, but you must embrace feedback and not avoid it. After all, how else will you know what to improve upon? Don’t fool yourself into thinking other opinions don’t matter. In the business world, your credibility and reputation play a key role in how far—and how quickly—you move ahead. Soliciting input from others always leaves you with a clearer view of your blind spots. Becoming defensive and hostile when faced with constructive criticism will insulate you from the truth and greatly limit your potential.
                          5. Be a solution-finder, not a problem-identifier
    It takes no particular talent to find fault, but many behave as though their "gift" must be shared again and again. You may know people at work who constantly nit-pick about company decisions. These professional problem-identifiers generally get stuck mid-way up the career ladder. Choosing to criticize or blame your superiors for their decisions shows great disloyalty and sets a lousy example for your staff. You have a duty to stand behind the powers, regardless of whether or not you agree whole-heartedly with their decisions. Do you have to suffer in silence when you disagree violently with something at work? Not at all. You can develop the habit of criticizing positively by recommending a more perfect solution.
                               6. Show boundless enthusiasm
    Enthusiasm is contagious, and successful managers realize the effect their attitude has on their mood and productivity. Constantly whining(发牢骚) and complaining depletes(耗尽) valuable resources of energy. Can you afford it? The same situation, when presented to positive and negative personalities will be perceived differently. An optimist looks forward to change and solves tough problems with enthusiasm. Good things seem to routinely come their way! Employees will absorb your energy if you Show a passion for your work. In fact, many will mold themselves after you in terms of their energy level and general optimism. If you refuse to show enthusiasm, don’t be surprised when you find yourself leading a lethargic(昏昏欲睡的), apathetic(缺乏生机的) team.
                                7. Embrace those opportunities
    Great opportunities are often disguised in work clothes. Do you use weaknesses within the organization as avenues to show your skill and leadership? Are you like so many other managers, content to sit back and wait for opportunities to appear on a silver platter? You could wait forever. Instead of waiting for" them" to take care of it, get busy, show some initiative and take a risk. Organizations change when managers seize opportunities with boldness and confidence—and encourage their staff to follow suit.
    Developing successful habits isn’t easy. Like anything worthwhile, it takes commitment and conviction. If these habits were simple, every single manager would have already put them into practice, and that’s just not the case. Are you up to the challenge?

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解析 在第三段可以找到相关的细节:As a manager,like it or not,you are a role model.所以,这一论述与文章的内容吻合。