[originaltext]M: Judy was worried about her grades.W: But she’s getting A’s an

游客2024-02-15  12

M: Judy was worried about her grades.
W: But she’s getting A’s and B’s, isn’t she?
Q: What does the woman imply about Judy?
W: Hey, I’ve managed to get an extra ticket for the concert this weekend. Care to join us?
M: I’d be out of my mind to refuse an offer like this one.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、He will definitely come.
B、He can’t accept such generosity.
C、He is too busy.
D、He will be out of town this weekend.

答案 A

解析 out of one’s mind是个口语常用短语,意思是“疯了”(crazy,mad)。弄懂了它的意思,问题就迎刃而解。I would be out of my mind to refuse an offer like this one的字面解释是“我要是拒绝这样的邀请那我一定是疯了”,其实是说“我一定会接受邀请,去看音乐会”。D是用原词out of…干扰。