Many a ranch is located in flat open country where there is plenty of grass for

游客2024-02-14  2

问题 Many a ranch is located in flat open country where there is plenty of grass for the cattle ______.

选项 A、to be fed up
B、to be fed with
C、to feed
D、to feed on

答案 D

解析 此题考点为不定式复合结构作定语。选项中,be fed up吃得过饱,对……厌烦;be fed with供给;feed on=live on以…为食。在“for the cattle+不定式“结构中,the cattle是不定式的逻辑主语,与动词feed是主动关系,应首先排除选项A和B。这里feed的意思是“吃饲料”,是不及物动词,与介词on搭配表示“以…为食”,所以也排除选项C,故D是正确答案。本句意为:许多牧场位于平坦开阔的乡间,那里有充足的供牛群为食的草料。