To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor: you must be ab

游客2024-02-14  3

问题 To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor: you must be able to 【C1】______ the attention and interest of your students; you must be a 【C2】______ speaker, with a good, strong, 【C3】______ voice which is fully under your control; and you must be able to 【C4】______ what you are teaching in order to make its meaning clear. 【C5】______ a good teacher and you will see that he does not sit still 【C6】______ his Class: he stands the whole time when he is teaching; he walks about, using his 【C7】______ , hands and fingers to help him in his explanations, and his face to express feelings. Listen to him, and you will 【C8】______ the loudness, the quality and the musical note of his voice always 【C9】______ according to what he is 【C10】______ about. The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesn’t 【C11】______ that he will indeed be able to act 【C12】______ on the stage, for there are very important 【C13】______ between the teacher’s work and the actor’s. The actor has to speak words which he has learnt by heart; he has to repeat exactly the 【C14】______ words each time he plays a certain part; 【C15】______ his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually 【C16】______ beforehand. What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions seem 【C17】______ on the stage.
    A good teacher 【C18】______ in quite a different way. His students take an active part in his 【C19】______ : they ask and answer questions; they obey orders; and if they don’t understand something, they will say so. The teacher therefore has to suit his act to the needs of his students. He cannot learn his part by heart, but must 【C20】______ it as he goes along. [br] 【C10】

选项 A、talking

答案 A

解析 惯用搭配题,选项中talk和say在含义上都符合句意,但say是及物动词,强调说的内容,不能与about搭配,故排除,talk可作不及物动词,与about构成固定搭配,意为“谈论”,所以A正确,考点 talk和speak含义基本相同,在指比较随意的谈话时可代替speak,但talk更偏重于指持续的谈活,say是用语言表达自己所想的事,着眼于所讲的话,常用于直接或间接引语之前,侧重于所说的具体内容