[originaltext]W:Is Leer one of your former classmates?M:No,he was already a se

游客2024-02-12  5

W:Is Leer one of your former classmates?
M:No,he was already a senior of our four-year university when I became a freshman there.
Q:How many years earlier did Leer go to college than the man?
M:May I speak to Mr.White--the manager?
W:He is talking to our client now.Would you please call again in about a quarter?
Q:What does the woman suggest that the man do?

选项 A、Wait for Mr. White’s call.
B、Make another call later.
C、Pay the manager a visit.
D、Speak in a louder voice.

答案 B

解析 题目询问女士建议男士于什么。关键是听到女子说“Would you please call again…”可判断选项B(待会儿再打个电话)正确。