[originaltext]W:Is Leer one of your former classmates?M:No,he was already a se

游客2024-02-12  5

W:Is Leer one of your former classmates?
M:No,he was already a senior of our four-year university when I became a freshman there.
Q:How many years earlier did Leer go to college than the man?
M:You have been in London for several months.How do you like the city?
W:The only thing is the sun never smiles. It’s always grey and unhappy.
Q:What doesn’t the woman seem to like about London?

选项 A、The unsmiling faces.
B、The sun.
C、The residents.
D、The weather.

答案 D

解析 题目询问女士好像不喜欢伦敦的什么。关键是听到女士说“太阳从不露笑脸,天总是灰蒙蒙的”,可判断选项D(天气)正确。