According to the passage, it is not surprising that ______. [br] The desire to m

游客2024-02-12  3

问题 According to the passage, it is not surprising that ______. [br] The desire to make education subservient to the desires of industry is attractive because ______.

选项 A、the goals are easier to define and measure
B、for those who take a wider view of education
C、economic competition is so intense these days
D、youth are lacking the skills to compete in the modem economy

答案 C

解析 推理判断题。此题考查的是,使教育服从于工业需要之所以受人瞩目的原因是什么。subservient是超纲词,但是可以根据构词法进行猜测:前缀sub意为“在...下”,词根serve意为“to serve服务”,后缀-ient是常见的形容词后缀。题干中没有十分明显的关键词可以在文章中找到,但我们可以在文中找到阐述“使教育服从于工业需要”的语句,即第二段第三句中。句中的handmaiden采用了比喻的修辞手法,是说education服从于 the job market,而job market则反映了题干中的the desires of industry。然后,我们把第三句和上下文语境结合起来进行分析,不难看出,第三句中making education the handmaiden of the job market和第一句中的education the compete in such markets指的是同一件事情。第一句中it becomes的前后是因果关系,那么得出最终的原因是being in desperate,almost cut-throat competition with industrial neighbors。因此,选项C符合题干要求。