It may be inferred from the passage that ______. [br] In the author’s view, high

游客2024-02-15  12

问题 It may be inferred from the passage that ______. [br] In the author’s view, higher service standards are impossible in Israel ______.

选项 A、if customer complaints go unnoticed by the management
B、unless foreign companies are introduced in greater numbers
C、if there’s no competition among companies
D、without strict routine training of employees

答案 C

解析 细节题。文章第一段主要阐明竞争对提高服务质量的重大推动作用,尤其是该段最后一句话“Nothing happens without competition”说明C为正确选项。虽然D项“对雇员的严格培训”和A项“注重顾客投诉都是提高服务质量的有利方面”,但文章没有把它们作为必要因素提及;B项“国外公司的大规模进入会带来一定的竞争”,但是还有来自其他方面的竞争限制了竞争的范围。