[originaltext]M: Look! It’s raining cats and dogs. Sometimes the weather foreca

游客2024-02-10  7

M: Look! It’s raining cats and dogs. Sometimes the weather forecast is accurate, sometimes not. How can people believe it?
W: Yes, I think so, and we have to postpone our picnic.
Q: Why do the speakers put off the picnic?

选项 A、They are going to catch cats and dogs.
B、It is raining heavily outside.
C、The woman has to check the weather report.
D、The man has to go to the post office.

答案 B

解析 对话中,男士说外面下着倾盆大雨,有时候天气预报很准,有时候不准,人们如何能相信天气预报呢?女士表示同意,说她们不得不推迟野餐了,故答案为B)。