Telecommuters fall into two camps. Some sit on the sofa watching daytime soa

游客2024-02-09  4

问题     Telecommuters fall into two camps. Some sit on the sofa watching daytime soaps, pausing occasionally to check their BlackBerrys. Most, however, do real work, undistracted by meetings and talkative colleagues.
    In the future more people will work from home. With office space in London and New York so costly, many firms save money by encouraging staff to work in their pyjamas. Instead of having to bury their noses in strangers’ armpits on crowded trains, they can work via e-mail. Skype and virtual private networks.
    Yet, in research published in MIT Sloan Management Review, Daniel Cable of the London Business School shows that telecommuters are less likely to be promoted. In one experiment, subjects were asked to judge scenarios(场景)in which the only difference was whether the employee was at his office desk or at home. Managers rated those at the office to be more dependable and industrious, regardless of the quality of their work.
    Visibility creates the illusion of value. Being the last to leave the office impresses bosses, even if you are actually larking around(胡闹)on Facebook. Oddly, this holds true at firms that explicitly encourage staff to work from home. Many Californian tech firms asked employees not to come to the office too often; yet bosses unconsciously penalised those who obeyed.
    Remote workers understand this. Many frequently sent their bosses progress reports to prove they are on the job. A fifth of the workers in the study admitted to leaving an e-mail or voice mail early or late in the day. Still, many are not as smart as they think. Some choose a Monday or Friday to work at home. That, says Mr. Cable, makes others think they are keen to extend the weekend.
    A culture of presenteeism(全勤主义)hurts working mothers most. Many women(and some men)work from home to allow themselves the flexibility to pick up kids from school. That need not mean they produce less; only that they do it at a time and a place of their own choosing. Some firms, such as Best Buy, an electronics retailer, recognise this and try hard to evaluate staff solely on performance. But this is not easy. Intangibles such as teamworking skills matter, too. Mr. Cable thinks homeworking will lose its stigma(耻辱)only when most people do it. Or perhaps when the boss is telecommuting, too. [br] What does the example of those California tech firms prove?

选项 A、Working at home is impractical in tech firms.
B、Bosses often don’t keep their promises.
C、Employees should judge when to obey.
D、Employees’ presence at office raises their value.

答案 D

解析 推理判断题。第四段第一句提到,看见员工工作给人一种这是一个好员工的假象。下面进行了举例说明,由此可知D)“员工在办公室的出现会提升他们的价值”与之符合,故为正确答案。