[originaltext]M: I hear you have got a role in a play. How on earth did you get

游客2024-02-07  2

M: I hear you have got a role in a play. How on earth did you get it?
W: Well, when I heard the role was coming up, I read the book until I could learn the lines by heart and understood the character, and I had an interview and got it.
Q: How did the woman get the role in the play?
M: You said you got a bachelor’s degree in Engineering. Where did you get it?
W: From Iowa University. And I’m now working on my master’s. That’s part of the reason I applied for this position.
Q: What can we learn about the woman?

选项 A、She is hosting a radio program.
B、She is at an interview for a job.
C、She is interviewing the man.
D、She works as an engineer.

答案 B

解析 男士说女士说自己获得了学士学位,问她是在哪里获得的;女士说她在爱荷华大学获得该学位,并说正在攻读硕士学位,申请这份工作的一个原因就是为了完成学业。由此可知,女士正在参加工作面试。