[originaltext]W: Are you ready to head over to the library? Oh,(l)do you have a

游客2024-02-11  4

W: Are you ready to head over to the library? Oh,(l)do you have a student ID card with you this time?
M:(l)Yes, It’s right here, ah, I must have left it in my room. I’ll be right back.
Q: What do we know about the man?
W:(3)I found a perfect book bag, but I’m about 20 dollars short.
M:(3)Don’t look at me. I don’t get paid for another week.
Q: What do we know from the conversation?

选项 A、The woman wants to borrow money.
B、The woman buys a bag with $20.
C、The man pays the bag for the woman.
D、The man suggests buying the bag next week.

答案 A
