[originaltext]M: I hear you have got a role in a play. How on earth did you get

游客2024-02-07  3

M: I hear you have got a role in a play. How on earth did you get it?
W: Well, when I heard the role was coming up, I read the book until I could learn the lines by heart and understood the character, and I had an interview and got it.
Q: How did the woman get the role in the play?
W: It seems my pet dog doesn’t like the new place. He seemed to be happy all day in countryside.
M: Just ignore it. I still remember you were unhappy when you first moved here, but you are happy now. He is sure to overcome in a week or two.
Q: What should the woman do according to the man?

选项 A、Walk the dog every one week or two.
B、Try to overcome her own depression.
C、Be at ease with her pet dog.
D、Bring her pet dog to the countryside.

答案 C

解析 女士说她的宠物狗好像不习惯这个新地方,男士劝女士没必要担心,就像女士刚来到这个新地方时也不开心一样,一两个星期后她的狗会慢慢适应的。由此可知,男士认为女士没有必要担心她的宠物狗,放宽心就好。