[originaltext]W: I got a coupon for half-off dinner at the new restaurant down

游客2024-02-05  4

W: I got a coupon for half-off dinner at the new restaurant down the street. I think I’ll use it when my cousin comes for a visit this weekend.
M: Where did you get it? I wouldn’t mind trying that place out, too.
Q: What does the man want to know?
M: That new soap I’ve been using lately smells nice, but it dries my skin out.
W: It’s probably all those harsh chemicals. You should try the kind I use. It’s all natural.
Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

选项 A、Use less soap.
B、Switch brands of soap.
C、Use a moisturising cream.
D、Wash hands with more water.

答案 B

解析 行为活动题。男士说他最近用的香皂用完后,皮肤很干(dries my skinout),女士建议男士试试她用的那种,言外之意就是建议男士换个牌子的香皂试试,故答案为B)。