[originaltext]W: If Prof. Thomson was willing to give us a three-day extension

游客2024-02-04  4

W: If Prof. Thomson was willing to give us a three-day extension to finish the project, maybe we could ask for a few more days.
M: That’s right. We’d better talk to her.
Q: What are the speakers probably going to do?
W: I got a coupon for half-off dinner at the new restaurant down the street. I think I’ll use it when my cousin comes for a visit this weekend.
M: Where did you get it? I wouldn’t mind trying that place out, too.
Q: What does the man want to know?

选项 A、Where the woman is going to dinner.
B、Where the new restaurant is located.
C、Where the woman got the coupon.
D、Where the woman’s cousin lives.

答案 C

解析 生活交际类,语义理解题。女士说自己有一张在沿街走下去的那个新饭店的优惠券,男士想知道女士领优惠券的具体地址,并说自己也想去那个餐厅试试看。即男士想知道的是女士从哪里拿的优惠券。