
游客2024-01-31  9

问题     中国有着悠久的扇子文化。最早的扇子出现在3000年前,由羽毛制成。如今,扇子的制作材料已变得多样化,最常用的是纸和真丝。扇子的用途很广泛,除了能使人凉快之外,还可用于舞蹈、装饰等。在中国文化里,与其说扇子是个工具,不如说它是一个艺术品。扇面上的书法(calligraphy)、绘画和诗歌为扇子增添了艺术价值,使扇子为历代收藏家所珍爱。


答案     China has a long history of fan culture. The first fan came into being 3,000 years ago and was made of bird feathers. Nowadays, there are various materials for fan making, among which paper and silk are the most commonly used. Fans are used widely. Apart from cooling people, they can also be used for dance, decoration and so on. In Chinese culture, a fan is a work of art rather than a tool. The calligraphy, paintings or poems on both sides of the fans add artistic values to them, making them the treasures of many collectors.

解析 1.第2句讲述的是扇子的历史,是过去的情况,故应该用一般过去时。
2.第3句中的“最常用的是纸和真丝”实际上指“最常用的材料是纸和真丝”,故该部分处理为用amongwhich引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰前一分句中提到的“材料”(materials),表达为among which paperand silk are the most commonly used。
3.第5句中的“与其说扇子是个工具,不如说它是一个艺术品”可采用rather than(与其……不如……)结构来表达。此处是“工具”(a tool)和“艺术品”(a work of art)的比较,故表达为fan is a work of art ratherthan a tool。
4.最后一句中的“使扇子为历代收藏家所珍爱”表结果,故将其处理为状语,用现在分词短语making themthe treasures of many collectors来表达。