
游客2024-01-24  22

问题     中国传统婚俗源于中国几千年的文化积淀。古时候结婚时,新郎先要把新娘接回家,然后举行结婚仪式,俗称“拜天地”。“拜天地”时,一要先拜天地,二拜高堂,然后夫妻对拜,最后喝交杯酒。中国传统婚礼总爱以明亮的大红色来烘托喜庆、吉祥、热烈的气氛。吉祥、祝福、孝敬因此成为婚礼的主旨。婚礼中的每一项礼仪都渗透着中国人浓浓的传统哲学思想。


答案     Traditional wedding customs originated from the Chinese traditions that go back thousands of years. In ancient times when a wedding ceremony was to be held, the groom would first go and bring the bride to his home before the marriage ceremony, colloquially known as "bowing to heaven and earth". When the ceremony begins, the couple is first supposed to bow to the heaven and earth, and then bow to their parents, and thirdly, they will bow to each other before they are supposed to drink the nuptial cup toast. The Chinese traditional weddings love to use bright red color to match the auspicious, warm and festive occasion. Blessing of good luck, happiness and filial piety have become the main theme of weddings. Every wedding tradition helps demonstrate the strong Chinese traditional philosophy.
