For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to

游客2024-01-23  4

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Reduce Medical Expenses? following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


答案     How to Reduce Medical Expenses?
    There has been a discussion recently about how to reduce medical expenses. It is obvious that the past decade has witnessed a steady increase in the expense of medicine and physical examination. Besides, a large number of people such as laid-off workers, rural migrant workers are unlikely to afford the expense of medical treatment when they get seriously ill, thus lose the opportunity to get cured. Therefore, it is high time that effective measures should be taken to reduce the high cost of medical care in China.
    Firstly, our government should work out more favorable policies to make more people have access to medical assistance. Secondly, laws should be made to control the high price of some medicines. Finally, doctors should build up their medical ethics, and don’t accept extra money.
    Personally, I think it is necessary for us to take effective measures to reduce the enormous cost of medical care. For one thing, it is beneficial to the majority of the people. For another, it contributes a lot to the harmony of the society. All in all, medical expenses should be reduced for the benefit of the people as well as the society.

解析     第一段开门见山提出问题并分析产生此问题的原因。如医疗费用稳步增长、很多人看不起病等。本段第三句使用such as句型补充说明people,同时,本句带有when引导的状语从句,句子紧凑多变,不失为一个亮点。