[originaltext] If you feel like you had one too many drinks over the winter

游客2024-01-23  8

If you feel like you had one too many drinks over the winter holiday season—you probably did. At least, if tough new guidelines on drinking just announced by the UK’s chief medical officers are anything to go by.
    [1]The new guidelines suggest that both men and women should regularly drink no more than 14 units of alcohol per week. That’s the equivalent of six small glasses of wine. Pregnant women should not drink at all.
    Guidelines in the U.S. recommend that women should not exceed one standard drink per day and men should no more than two. That equates to 12 units a week for women and just over 24 for men.
    [2]Most worryingly, perhaps, the new UK advice suggests that there is no safe level of drinking— and any amount of alcohol can increase the risk of cancer, according to new research.
1. What is the amount of alcohol suggested in the new guideline?
2. What worries people most according to the news report?

选项 A、Pregnant women should not drink.
B、Any amount of alcohol may increase the risk of cancer.
C、Some wine is not safe to drink.
D、Medicine doesn’t work in diseases caused by alcohol.

答案 B

解析 新闻末尾提到,新的研究表明,最令人担忧的是:不论饮酒量多少,都有可能增加罹患癌症的几率(any amount of alcohol call increase the risk of cancer),故选B。A“怀孕的妇女不应当饮酒”有在新闻中提到,但答非所问,并没有提到这会使人担忧。C“一些葡萄酒不能安全饮用”曲解文意,新闻中提到的是“没有安全的饮酒量”(no safe level of drinking),即就算饮一点点酒都有危险,并非葡萄酒不能安全饮用。D“药物对酒精引起的疾病没有效果”没有在新闻没有提到。