[originaltext] [5]The Paris agreement to curb climate change calls for a dra

游客2024-01-23  12

[5]The Paris agreement to curb climate change calls for a dramatic shift away from fossil fuels and the greenhouse gasses they emit, especially carbon dioxide.
    Switching to renewable energy helps, but that won’t happen fast enough to keep temperatures from rising to dangerous levels. That’s why scientists and researchers all over the world also are working on new ways of keeping carbon out of the atmosphere.
    [6]At an industrial site in Alberta, a province in North America, Royal Dutch Shell, an oil company, recently hosted a grand opening for its Quest carbon capture and storage project.
It’s part of Shell’s oil sands business. Turning oil sands into crude oil emits a lot of carbon dioxide. So Shell tries to capture some of that greenhouse gas before it gets into the air.
    The technology in the Quest project has been around for a while, but it’s still expensive: The cost of building and operating this one plant over the next decade is about $970 million. For all that money, it captures only a third of the CO2 that’s produced here.
    [7]For many companies, such a plant isn’t an attractive investment because it’s not profitable. 5. What’s the purpose of Paris agreement?
6. What is the content of Shell’s Quest project?
7. Why doesn’t Quest’s plant attract to many companies?

选项 A、Because it needs government’s support.
B、Because it’s hard to acquire the technology.
C、Because it’s not easy to make a profit.
D、Because it requires a lot of money.

答案 C

解析 新闻末尾部分提到,Quest project成本非常高,却只能捕获其产生的二氧化碳总量的三分之一,最后又说不能吸引投资是因为不能盈利(not profitable),由此可知答案为C。A“需要政府支持”没有在新闻中提到。B中的technology出现在新闻中后段,说该技术已存在一段时间,但成本仍然极高,可见该技术并非难以取得,只是价格昂贵。D干扰性强,该技术确实需要大量资金,但是不具备盈利能力才是无法吸引公司投资的真正原因。