[originaltext]First up, a setback for the European Space Agency. Working togeth

游客2024-01-22  12

First up, a setback for the European Space Agency. Working together with Russia, (3)the ESA is testing its ability to land a spacecraft on Mars. Its scientists are hoping to find out whether life has ever existed there. But the latest lander it sent named Schiaparelli appears to have crashed on the red planet, instead of landing softly as planned. It looks like its parachute and landing rockets malfunctioned and Schiaparelli didn’t send back any signals after its high speed descent through the Martian atmosphere on Wednesday. This wouldn’t be the first lander the ESA has lost on Mars. But the agency says another part of its $1.5 billion mission involving a craft that’s orbiting Mars is working. (4)And ESA officials are moving forward with plans for a bigger project. They want to send a rover to Mars in 2020.
Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.
3.What ability is the ESA testing?
4.When do ESA officials want to send a rover to Mars?

选项 A、Its ability to launch a spacecraft to Mars.
B、Its ability to land a spacecraft on Mars.
C、Its ability to launch a manned space flight to Mars.
D、Its ability to land a spacecraft on earth safely.

答案 B
