农历七月初七是七夕节(Double Seventh Day),又被称为中国的情人节,是中国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日。七夕节来源于牛郎织女(the

游客2024-01-20  24

问题     农历七月初七是七夕节(Double Seventh Day),又被称为中国的情人节,是中国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日。七夕节来源于牛郎织女(the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl)的传说。相传,每逢七月初七,人间的喜鹊(magpie)就要飞上天去。在银河(the Milky Way)为牛郎织女鹊桥相会。夜深人静之时,人们可以在瓜果架(fruit trellis)下偷听到两人在天上相会时的脉脉情话。现在的年轻人越来越重视这个节日,在这一天他们会互送礼物以表达爱意或到比较浪漫的地方共进晚餐。


答案     Double Seventh Day, which falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, is also called Chinese Valentine’s Day. It is the most romantic traditional Chinese festival. Double Seventh Day derives from the legendary story of the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl. According to the legend, during the Double Seventh Day, all the magpies would fly to the Milky Way to build a bridge for the Cowherd and the Weaving girl to date. In the still of the night, under the fruit trellis, one can overhear their sweet conversations while they meet in the heaven. Nowadays, young people pay more attention to this festival, and express love to each other by sending gifts or going to a rather romantic place for dinner on this day.
