葡萄沟(the Grape Valley)位于新疆吐鲁番(Turpan)市区东北部。因盛产各种优质葡萄而驰名全国。受独特气候的影响。这里出产的葡萄比其他

游客2024-01-20  18

问题     葡萄沟(the Grape Valley)位于新疆吐鲁番(Turpan)市区东北部。因盛产各种优质葡萄而驰名全国。受独特气候的影响。这里出产的葡萄比其他地方的葡萄甜得多。每年八月是葡萄丰收的季节。葡萄摘下后,一部分会在集市上销售,但绝大部分被挂在特制的荫房(drying house)中风干,然后制成葡萄干(raisin)。如今,葡萄沟已经成为新疆的旅游胜地。每年都会吸引数百万的游客来此旅游观光。


答案     Lying in the northeast of Turpan City of Xinjiang, the Grape Valley is famous for various kinds of high-quality grapes in China. Due to the unique climate, grapes produced here are much sweeter than those in other places. August is the season when grapes are harvested. Once grapes have been picked, some will be sold in the market, but most will be hung up in special drying houses and dried into raisins. Nowadays the Grape Valley has turned into a tourist spot in Xinjiang, attracting millions of tourists every year.
