Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people______harm them.A、more

游客2024-01-18  10

问题 Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people______harm them.

选项 A、more than
B、rather than
C、other than
D、better than

答案 B

解析 rather than“而不是”。例如:We ought to check up rather than just acceptwhat he says.我们该核实一下,不应只信他的话。rather than相当于连词,连接两个相同成分。如:I,rather than you,am to blame.我,而不是你,该受责备。other than“除了”,相当于but,except。例如:In that case,there is nothing you can do other than wait.在那种情况下,除了等,你别无他法。