—Excuse me, I’m afraid______. Could you tell me where I am?—You’re on the 77th s

游客2024-01-18  9

问题 —Excuse me, I’m afraid______. Could you tell me where I am?—You’re on the 77th street. Where would you like to go?

选项 A、I’m missing
B、I don’t know where to go
C、I’ve lost my way
D、I am a stranger here

答案 C

解析 —打扰一下,我可能迷路了,请问我现在位置在哪儿?—你在77大道上,你想去哪儿?本题考查问路的场景。“迷路”的英语表达是be/get lost或lose one’s way。选项A意为“失踪的,下落不明的”,选项B不符合语境,选项D用于被问路者也不认识路时的答语,故选C。